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Your breath of life is a conversation with God

The Inner smudge - Ayawake smudges your soul!!

The blows and intentions when using Ayawake Hapé.

There are several blows that can be used, varying in duration, intensity, and closure. The breath used in projection and the own connection we have with medicine, also greatly influences the effect of the receiver.

We must know and trust fully who applies Hapé to us, because we are putting our health in their hands. And also the one who applies must be aware that he receives energy from the person he "blows" and therefore must do a good study to be able to handle and understand the powerful energy of Hapé.

Long Blow

It is one of the most common and used, it has a strong cleansing power invoking the spirit of the jungle. Starts off soft and gets strong in a single air stroke, at the end it blocks the air passage with the tongue on the applicator making a whistling sound, it's a long blow.

Strong Blow

It's a loud and short blow, it emits a serious sound with the tongue on the applicator, as if there's a blow with the tongue at the end. Awaken the ancestral strength and focus in ceremony.

Soft Blow

It's a compressed and slow blow, the air is emitted constantly, the effects of the hapé with this blow have longer duration. Ideal for working on patience and physical trauma and after spiritual work..

Visionary Blow

A blow that starts strong and goes down until it fades away. Induces beautiful dreams and increases visionary effects.

Breath of Courage

Strong and long, unlike the strong blow this one is strong but continuous. To penetrate into the darkness, into the void, into the great mystery from which all things were born.

Rapé should be taken in both nostrils. Each of the cavities represents an energetic current of the body:

The right side:

The channel of the sun (broadcaster - yang). It would give power to the rational mind, which allows learning and obtaining the strength required to overcome problems through effort. It's the male side. Typical problems of the right are selfish or violent behavior, arrogance and pride.

The left side:

the moon channel (receiver - yin). It gives the power of emotions in its purest state, providing the qualities of deep joy, pure love, compassion and artistic skills. This side is the female. Typical left-side problems are emotional attachment, depression, low self-esteem, guilt or lethargy.

The person who is going to take Hapé for the first time should know this. It is important to always serve both nasal orifices, balancing the two energies meridians of the body; The right side or yang is associated with the masculine or rational and the left or ying, the feminine and the, which this rejection is towards itself and the spirit of the Hapé.

Hapé is projected through a tool called Tepi or Kuripé by blowing (never sniffing or inhaling).

Hapé applicators are sacred shamanic tools that consist of a tube generally made of bamboo or bone. There are two kinds of tools, one for personal use and one for blowing or  serving Hapé to another:

The "Kuripe" or self-applicator, is a small V-shaped tube that connects the mouth to the nasal cavity, and serves to take individual monkfishes.

The "Tepi" is a longer tube, with which another person blows or projects the Hapé to the receiver.

How much Hapé should be served?

The appropriate dosage depends on the type of Hapé, the individual receiving it, and the situation itself. In Brazil, indigenous people are accustomed to taking large quantities of snuff in one session. It's amazing the amount of Hapé put into the end of a tepi, and the ability of the receiver to take it, without throwing up or fainting. In an Ayahuasca ceremony or a round of Hapé, it's normal to use larger doses than at more everyday moments.

For beginners, the most appropriate thing is to start in small quantities, and increase it as you gain confidence and deepen your relationship with medicine.

Each Hapé is different, just like each of us is different, use medicine with love, get to know yourself, get to know it, see how it communicates with you, breathe in different ways and discover what works for you.

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